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Table 19 poster

Table 19

The wedding and instructive Comedy \"Table 19\" will tell the audience story of the girl by the name of Eloiza who unlike the girlfriends has no guy and very much wants the love relations. At her close girlfriend the wedding celebration is planned, and she very much counted that on this holiday of life the destiny will smile also to it. The brother of the bride will act as the best man, and our heroine also hopes for it.

As there is with it at the girl a novel, but secret, and she hopes that in such situation he will decide to open for all the truth about their relations and will make it the proposal of a hand and heart. However dreams aren\'t fated to come true, and directly on the eve of a wedding she leaves the boyfriend, and the girl doesn\'t wish to attend a wedding of the girlfriend not to see the former beloved.

To the bridesmaid she already also doesn\'t think of the status, and the invitation receives for the 19th table at which usually sit down at the fault guests. Such pathetic role doesn\'t satisfy it, after all she long prepared for this Action and laid hopes. But it nevertheless comes to a wedding. Five more same losers on life appear her neighbor in a little table. Having got acquainted with them, she understands that they are good people and very interesting interlocutors. Each of them wants to find the love, and to it advise to fight for happiness and to be on more actively.
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  • Genre:
  • Comedy, Drama
  • Country:
  • Finland, USA
  • Director:
  • Jeffrey Blitz
  • IMDb:
  • 5.8
  • Year:
  • 2017
  • Actors:
  • Anna Kendrick, Rya Meyers, Charles Green, Lisa Kudrow, Craig Robinson