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Movie events \"Stratton: The first task\" begin the development with Duncan Falkoner\'s story, the former soldier having behind the back improbable experience. Once it served in elite special division of the British Navies. Performing difficult tasks, he always showed bravery, courage and endurance. And now, when he belief and the truth served put to it term, came it is time to retire to gain strength and to be given to memoirs. For this reason Duncan decided to leave service to write the memoirs based on his life and with whom he was once familiar.

He still remembers the colleague John who was the confidential government agent. Duncan remembers how John was sent regularly to the most different points of the world. Charged it only the most difficult and dangerous missions. For the career it moved away a great number of \"unnecessary\" people, opened improbable amount of secrets of the international groups and collected information which influenced an outcome of political and military collisions more than once. He was one of the most valuable employees of foreign and internal intelligence.
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  • Genre:
  • Action, Thriller
  • Country:
  • UK
  • Director:
  • Simon West
  • IMDb:
  • 5.1
  • Year:
  • 2017
  • Actors:
  • Gemma Chan, Connie Nielsen, Tyler Hoechlin, Tom Felton, Dominic Cooper