Stranger Things Season 4 poster

Stranger Things Season 4

The series takes place in November 1983 in the small country town of Hawkins, Indiana, where an employee mysteriously disappears from a local laboratory belonging to the U.S. Department of Energy.
After a while, the tranquility of the quiet town is broken by another mysterious disappearance of a twelve-year-old boy named Will, who, playing with his friends, was returning home late at night, riding his bike on the territory belonging to the same laboratory. The next morning, suspecting that something has happened to her son, the worried mother calls her friend\'s family and finds that the child is not there, and immediately calls the police, hoping that they will help find the missing boy.
However, after learning about the disappearance of their friend, Will\'s friends decide not to stay on the sidelines and begin their own investigation. Meeting at ten o\'clock in the evening, the boys set off on a supposed route, which could return missing friend. Wandering on a dark night in the pouring rain, barely getting over their fear, the friends suddenly meet a strange girl in the middle of the woods. Very soon our heroes begin to suspect that something strange is going on in town...
  • Genre:
  • Drama, Fantasy, Horror
  • Country:
  • USA
  • IMDb:
  • 8.7
  • Year:
  • 2022
  • Actors:
  • Millie Bobby Brown, Finn Wolfhard, Winona Ryder