Friends Season 3 poster

Friends Season 3

The positive and charming characters of the popular TV series \"Friends\" are simple young people. The frivolous Rachel, the beautiful Monica, whose novels end in nothing, the jokester and inventor Chandler, the romantic Phoebe, the ideal girl Joey, who wants to become a great actor, and the kind, always able to keep up a conversation Ross. Young people are experiencing love unrest, actively engaged in the search for a new job, do not agree, enter into marriages, break off relationships, suffer from a lack of finances. The rapidly developing events of the \"magnificent six\" fuel the genuine interest of fans of the series. Will Lida say this time to Rachel, to Ros, who is in love with her? What will be the next novel of the beauty Monica?
  • Genre:
  • Comedy, Romance
  • Country:
  • USA
  • IMDb:
  • 8.9
  • Year:
  • 1996
  • Actors:
  • Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow