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Equals poster


The plot is fantastic Drama \"Equals\" takes the viewer into the world of antiutopicheskogo of the future, where mankind has abandoned the hindering of feelings and emotions, preferring to live in peace and tranquillity in a community called \"the collective\". All people equal, community, all work for the common good and prosperity. Life in the team ideal. Devoid of emotions people don\'t suffer no aggression, no envy, no malice, so live in peace and harmony, where there is no violence, poverty and deadly diseases. For the mental well-being of populations has been careful system that catches the slightest signs of anxiety or depression that leads to immediate treatment.

One day, some people in the team becoming exposed to the so-called Aids public aWareness that leads to the awakening of feelings and emotions. cause: feeling, fear, depression, love, and even death. Among the infected young guy turns out Silas and Nia girl whose emotional condition significantly deteriorated after the closer acquaintance. Loving couple forced to hide the relationship, as well as to seek ways out of the situation, because the team are all equal, and therefore must live without the love Silas and Nia does not want to lose.
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  • Genre:
  • Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
  • Country:
  • USA, Indonesia
  • Director:
  • Drake Doremus
  • IMDb:
  • 6.0
  • Year:
  • 2015
  • Actors:
  • Nicholas Hoult, Vernetta Lopez, Scott Lawrence, Kate Lyn Sheil, Kristen SteWart