Rushmore poster


In the center of the plot of the Comedy Drama \"Rushmore\" — a disciple of the senior class of the prestigious private school Max Fisher. This young guy has launched such a stormy public activities at the Academy that it leaves little room for study. So Max is the editor of the school newspaper, the Director of the school of theatre, President of the society of beekeepers and Captain various teams. But despite all these prerogatives, Max is grade retention that has the lowest performance among students of Academy of Rushmore.

Concerned for the fate of the boy\'s Academy Director Nelson Guggenheim gives him a second chance and appoint a probationary period during which Max must improve their performance, as well as correct evaluation. However, instead of studying the guy going through flour unrequited love to a young teacher Rosemary Cross. But along with the love he finds out what real obstacle, when the fight for the heart of beauty becomes an adult man Herman Blume.
  • Genre:
  • Comedy, Drama
  • Country:
  • USA
  • Director:
  • Wes Anderson
  • IMDb:
  • 7.7
  • Year:
  • 1998
  • Actors:
  • Jason SchWartzman, Bill Murray, Olivia Williams, Seymour Cassel, Brian Cox