The movie begins with three childhood friends named Conner, Owen and Lawrence. The three of them have earned both name and fame with their hip-hop group the Style Boyz. But their friendship and their lives do not remain the same when one of them decides to leave the group. Frontman Conner, left the group leaving the two, Owen and Lawrence faded in the background. Conner did that to launch his solo career and to gain more fame and popularity.
Conner achieves what he desires, he moves to the top and becomes a world famous recording artist. He gains a huge fan following and also has 32 people on his payroll. But these days of glory disappear when his second album “Conquest” turns out to be a flop. His world is crashing down, he has lost his fan following and the camera is capturing everything. He is now propelled to do whatever he can to remain in the spotlight.