The Book of Eli poster
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The Book of Eli

The plot is developed in the post-apocalyptical world where there was a nuclear catastrophe. Илай – the wanderer who endured a global disaster and traveling on the towns which remained from once mighty civilization of America. Once it appears in the settlement which population Carnegie directs. Local marauders so in Carnegie's hands the considerable power is concentrated obey it. He suggests Ilayu to remain in its city, but that goes to the west and doesn't intend to be late more long than on a lodging for the night.

Carnegie learns that Ilay owns the special book which, apparently, is the terrible weapon capable to influence minds of people weak in spirit. Carnegie hopes to take control of the book, but Ilay with fight breaks for city boundaries, and behind it Solara – the daughter of the blind inhabitant of the city leaves. Solara wants to go with Ilay , and over time that ceases to resist its intentions. Now they travel through the desert, beating off from marauders, to the treasured purpose. What book Ilay and in what its value owns?

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