Drone poster
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Nile is the professional pilot able to make always the right decisions. Many years the hero works the confidential agent and his purpose the people menacing to safety of society are. Sometimes this person even has no concept, whether he will be able to return from the next task or isn't present. However to tell about all this to the spouse and children it can't, after all it is secret and its disclosure can cruelly be punished by the law. Not so long ago Nile returned from the next business trip and tries to recover from the seen.

Meanwhile one of bloggers reveals his secret and shows about him the video where it is shown not from the best party. it is possible to understand that this video is casual the Pakistani businessman which relatives were killed during operation on destruction of terrorists looks. He accuses in the incident of Nile and is going to finish cruelly with it. The foreigner comes to America to find the house of the murderer of his family and to force the man to suffer the same as
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