This film is an 3D animated film created on computer and falls into the Comedy –Fantasy category. At a very special fun Arcade, all the video game characters come alive at night time and enter different games than their own. The hero of the popular game Fix-It Felix is a big celebrity but its villain Wreck-It Ralph is completely ignored. Ralph thinks a lot about his bad image and decides to become a good guy. At the 30th anniversary of the game, all but Ralph celebrate it with zeal and enjoy a lot.
Nobody wants to be with him and he is alone all the time. They challenge him to win a medal in the game which Felix always wins and then they might consider him as a good guy. Ralph finds a game Hero’s Duty and enters it to kill Sergeant Calhoun. He collects lots of medals but accidently produce a dangerous game enemy - Cy-Bug. After this Ralph tries to escape game but faces many challenges and succeed in coming out.