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Premium Rush

The Action in Premium Rush follows Wilee, a graduate of Columbia Law School who isn’t sure about whether he is ready to commit his life to the daily monotony of working in the legal profession. Wilee takes up a job as a bicycle messenger in New York to make ends meet and to give him time to reflect about his future. His girlfriend, Vanessa, is also a bicycle messenger; and doesn’t approve of him throwing away better opportunities for such a job.

Wilee and Vanessa soon get caught up in a web of danger as a local loan shark hires a corrupt city cop to bring back an envelope that Wilee has been entrusted to deliver for Vanessa’s roommate, Nima. In a fast paced Thriller, Wilee tries to outsmart the corrupt cop and deliver his package. Full of flashbacks and fast forWards, you will keep guessing about what happens next.

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