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The movie begins with a former DEA agent named Phil Broker who has moved to Louisiana, along with his daughter Maddy. Louisiana is the place where the deceased mother of the girl grew up. Maddy in her school, gets into a fight with a boy named Teddy Klum and when Broker comes to school, Teddy’s father enrages Broker and begins the fight but he loses.

Gator Bodine is a big drug dealer and he is asked to scare broker, but all the efforts of Gator go in vain when Broker fights off with the thugs sent by Gator. One day, when nobody is at home, Gator enters their house and while searching the files of Broker, he finds that he is the undercover cop, who was responsible for the raid of gang’s meth lab, two years before. He also gets to know that Broker was the one, responsible for the arrest of Danny.

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