Lost in Space poster
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Lost in Space

Action Sci-Fi movie "Lost in Space" to occur in the not-too-distant future, 2058 year when natural resources are depleted, and life on the planet becomes virtually impossible. Humanity spends more time and money in search of a new planet habitable. To search for a new home computer scientist John Robinson creates both spacecraft starship "Jupiter-2" where you can make long-haul flights across the Galaxy. Conducted searches yielded good result was found planet Alpha Prime, which can colonize.

Going on a new planet with important mission, John takes his entire family with him, as well as inviting an experienced pilot Don West. However, the flight does not go as planned. Aboard the Starship is detected by an enemy agent Dr. Smith, who was supposed to destroy the Feather collection using combat robot, but due to his own stupidity he had nothing left. This error resulted in all passengers were lost in the depths of a starship unexplored parts of the cosmos.

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