Time travel is a process that dominates the minds of many science fiction writers working in many different directions. Fantastic movie "valerian and city of a thousand planets," based on the classic comic series, affirms that everything new is well forgotten old.
On the basis of French Visual novels, enjoying popularity and recognition in the 1960s, the authors of the film offer the viewer plunge into developments in 28. A future that seems so distant, invited the man features that SF could only dream.
In the heart of the story are cosmic operatives. They receive a mission to explore the mysterious processes in intergalactic metropolis, received the title "Alphas". In this vast in scope city, can be arranged on the sector, agreed by representatives of many worlds. Their main aim is to, using your skills, abilities, knowledge and technology, created for the benefit of all. However, among the population of millions of beings, which have different objectives.