World Trade Center poster
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World Trade Center

The plot of the Drama film directed by Oliver Stone's "World Trade Center" is based on real events that occurred during the terrorist attack in New York September 11, 2001 year. In that awful morning, several officers of the police of the port of New York to learn about developments in the World Trade Center towers went to rescue people and provide assistance to victimized inside buildings.

They performed their duty were searching for and helped people get out, but will fate themselves have been buried under the rubble of a collapsed building. From a group of police officers, only two survived-John McLaughlin and will Gimeno. It was they who were the last who found and pulled from the rubble. But while they were under the piles of concrete and metal, these guys would lead the most important fight of his life-the heroic struggle for her salvation.

The film "World Trade Center" shows the tragedy of two ordinary American families whose loved ones people found themselves in a critical situation, teetering between life and death. The film shows the simple human emotions and feelings, the strength of faith and hope, as well as perseverance and irreproachable fulfillment of their duty, as rescue workers and family members who helped search for not only of their loved ones.

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