Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull poster
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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

In 1957 confrontation with the Nazis remained in the past, but new problems have begun. Gaining strength tension between the two poles of the political world, and the cold War rages. A detachment of Soviet military penetrates into the United States, to visit the classified "Area 51" is the base store, which is located in Nevada. By coincidence it was here that the Soviet military faced Indiana Dozhnsom and his friend, poppy seeds, then briefly thinking took them prisoner.

In the end, experts in archaeology and History will never interfere, and when you consider that the leader of the Soviet squad must find some mummified remains, Indiana is very handy. After Indiana Jones escapes from enemies and escape from a nuclear explosion, he begins new challenges. The FBI suspects him of spying for the Russians, and suspicions are so serious that the professor has to stop teaching. So begins a new exciting Adventure.
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